This week on Trekcast we are taking a break from all the greatness that is Star Trek Online, well not really, have we mentioned how great this game, and we are just going to do a little Tykens Rifting and talk about all the fun stuff we have been seeing in the Trek world. So we start rifting about what in the world are we going to call our Fleet on STO? As well as this really cool promotion from Del Taco (Beam up to Macho). Also some of our thoughts about Star Trek 2 or is it 12 (What do you think)? We also talk a little more about Red Letter Media love them or hate them these guys do some great reviews of our beloved franchises.
Also we would like to let you know that our friend Rod Roddenberry and occasional guest of Trekcast is also doing his part to help out with the tragedy that is currently gripping Haiti. He has decided to auction off some great items from his families home he recently has sold all proceeds from the auction are going to support Haiti via Haitian Hero, here is the link for the auction check the auction and all the info you need to place a bid here.
Thanks once again for lending us your lobes and we hope you have enjoyed this the latest episode of Trekcast and look forward to the next great episode coming soon and make sure you check out Rod's auction for Haiti.
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