We also devote some time to that little James Cameron film, maybe you have heard of it's called Avatar (I kid!). Also in true Trekcast tradition we answer your and delve into all your thought on Star Trek in Subspace Signals which is by the way one of our favorite segments on the show. Of course we also have more great trivia from our buddy Damon and an all new What's What with Brandi T. I also promised to share that link for the Star Wars review recommended by Damon Lindelof if you got some time its brilliant check it out here, oh and one last link one of our listeners sent in for a pretty cool shirt from Bread and Circuses (mine is on the way).
Alright thanks once again for listening to our labor of love that is Trekcast the Star Trek podcast we appreciate all of you our listeners and we really appreciate all your five star review on iTunes as well as your generous donations, and remember you can follow us on Twitter as well, find me at @Quarksbartender, David is @Trekcast and Jerad is @Super_spock.
Oh and hey get over to Star Trek Online and pre order the game already so we can all hang out in the virtual Quarks it will be fun and we will be talking more in game stuff on the show as well.
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Episode: http://trekcast.podbean.com/mf/feed/wngqy/Trekcast_Episode55.mp3