Tune in next week as Jon from A Comic Book Look joins us for an all new episode of All Things Good and Nerdy!
Want to connect with us? Follow us on Twitter at @ATGNPodcast, or on Facebook at facebook.com/allthingsgoodandnerdy. You can check out all of our episodes at atgnpodcast.com You can check out our hosts at:
J.M. Clark: @jediras, @AEWpodcast, or anelegantweapon.podbean.com Chris: @RoundTableNerds or NerdsOfTheRoundTable.com Naki: @1nerdycupcake or OneNerdyCupcake.com Adahy: @TheAdahy or TheAdahy.com
Thanks for tuning in and we will be live again next Sunday at 11am Eastern/10am Central on Twitch.tv and YouTube! See you then!
The shownotes can be found online on Google Docs: http://goo.gl/zAWgE
Episode: http://allthingsgoodandnerdy.podbean.com/mf/feed/x4n33/AllThingsGoodAndNerdy023_64k.mp3