If you're interested in joining in gaming with us, you can check us out here!
Naki: @1nerdycupcake on Twitter, BakaNaki on XBL and Steam, or OneNerdyCupcake.com Chris: @RoundTableNerds on Twitter, Spidey616 on XBL or NerdsOfTheRoundTable.com Adahy: @TheAdahy on Twitter, TheAdahy on Steam, or TheAdahy.com
Don't forget to check out Peter on twitter @peet2 or his web-site http://www.ivegotthenews.net. Check out The Geek Out for all the nerdiness!
Next week's Rumble Pit pairs the main cast of Borderlands agains the main cast of Borderlands 2. Leave us a message on Facebook and Twitter about who you think will win or call our Google voice 304-806-ATGN.
Thanks for tuning in! We'll see you next week, we stream live on Sundays at 11am Eastern/10am Central. Our guest host is Carly Spade, which you can check her out on Twitter at @carlyspade.
This week's shownotes are available on Google Docs: http://goo.gl/jqNe2
Episode: http://allthingsgoodandnerdy.podbean.com/mf/feed/h6kfk9/AllThingsGoodAndNerdy022_64k.mp3