This episode is the episode we have all been waiting for! Did we like the season finally of Walking Dead? Well……. Listen and find out! Really, did you think I would spoil it all now? Also get the conclusion to who killed the Governor! We also come up with an unconventional weapon that sounds really interesting. Plus we found lots of great news. Expect some unique topics in the weeks ahead with The Walking Dead now wrapped up. Last but not least don't forget about about our bad joke contest! Since we didn't get any submission last week we have extended the contest. Send your jokes to and you could win a copy of Super House of Dead Ninjas for Steam.
Zombie News
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New World War Z Trailer
Dr Who's Amy Pond Does Zombie Spoof for the Nerdist
Oregon School Cancels Zombie Survival class.
The post Episode 23 - Not With A Bang But A Fizzle appeared first on Zombies Ate My Podcast.