Episode 22 – Rick the Rhythm Maker

Due to technical issues beyond our control we missed last week. This week we are jam packed for content. Lou is back from PAXEast in Boston and covers his hands on time with Last of Us for PS3. In the news, your survivors discuss if zombies can float do to a Canadian boat ad. Then how Zombieland finished it's pilot and will be part of a test run in the next few months. For our Walking Dead talk we were joined by our guest Stevie and discussed episodes 14 and 15. Did Andrea smarten up? Maybe. Did Merle save the day? Hmmmm. Queue up ZAMP this week and find out.

Zombies News

Zombies Can't Swim, Buy a Boat First Look at ZombieLand TV Show Map of the Dead  

The post Episode 22 - Rick the Rhythm Maker appeared first on Zombies Ate My Podcast.

Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/zamp/zombiesatemypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/podcast/zamp22-27032013.mp3