S02 E22: Andygator

Our Abita Series continues with Andygator. This is a Helles Doppelbock, a high gravity brew fermented out to a dry finish. It is fermented with a German lager yeast and uses German hops. How will it rate?

To The Pint

Jeremy - Malty, bread aroma. Poured with little or no head. Much sweeter than expected from the description. Nice mouthfeel. 6/10Gary - Yeasty, thicker flavor than expected. Sweetness; a little heavy for a bock. Surprised by it. Nice color. 7/10Keith - Rich, caramel flavor. Thicken this up and it would be great on pancakes. Might be better in the winter; almost a winter warmer. Too sweet for me right now. 5/10Rob - A little too sweet. Finish is not dry. Not much of a whomp to it for an 8% beer. All in all it's OK. 7/10

Total Score: 6.25/10

Pint Taken

Steven Spielberg to get Gene Wilder for READY PLAYER ONE? Here is what MTV sees as the ultimate cast of RP1.The office A/C gender war. Um, if you are too cold, put some more clothes on. Or guys might start taking their clothes off, and nobody wants that.Atlantis ascending?

Half Pints

Rob: Playing House (USA Network sitcom)Gary: Apple MusicJeremy: TimesMachine - perhaps the most compelling reason to subscribe to the New York Times.Keith: Rain On Me, a weather app for iOS from the people that brought you DarkSky. Free for a limited time.

If you want to leave feedback, give us a call at 585-496-4864, or send email to pnrshow@gmail.com. You can find us on Twitter:

@pnrshow@wolfmank (Keith)@rebrob (Rob)@jeremybrooks (Jeremy)@alwaysbreaking (Gary)

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Thanks to The Poxy Boggards for the theme song, and to RoboBoogie for the awesome logo!