#NC 622 Tech Stories From South American Travel, Maps Without Data, Dumb Question Corner, Security Bits

Huge thanks to Allister and Bart for holding down the fort for the last two weeks. I've posted the photos of our Galápagos Islands and Machu Picchu hike in Peru on Google Photos with links to both here Photos from South America – Galápagos Islands and Machu Picchu. There's no Chit Chat Across the Pond this week but Bart's back next week to teach us Test Driven Development in Programming By Stealth. I was on Clockwise this week: relay.fm/clockwise episode #183 and on Let's Talk Apple: lets-talk.ie Episode #43. I'll regale you with tech stories from our travels in South America, Rally Barnard will give you a quick and very slick tip on how to get turn-by-turn directions without using any data while on international travel, in Dumb Question Corner I'll answer Kurt's question about how to automatically archive iTunes Podcasts. Bart was out ill this week so I did my first ever solo Security Bits.

Episode: https://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2017_04_09.mp3