Episode 287, “Borg Lite”


Nimoy COPD Film starting on PBS May 4

VR game Star Trek Bridge Crew from Ubisoft comes out May 30 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive & Playstation VR.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Which TNG alien race deserved to be shown in more episodes: the Binars, the Sheliak, or the Pakleds?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Michael Okuda talks about the time Stephen Hawking visited the TNG set. Around 1994


Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TNG S1 - Justice

Character insight - Ensign Youngblood

Subspace communications

Episode: http://media.libsyn.com/media/worldofwarcast/ThisWeekinTrekEpisode287.mp3