Episode 282, “Don’t twirl me”


MoviePark Germany, Operation Enterprise, TNG Themed Roller Coaster. Opening 2017. Now?

Remembering Leonard Nimoy: His Life, Legacy, and Battle with COPD – will debut next month at the Newport Beach Film Festival (Julie Nimoy)

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Which do u think is more menacing: Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Warbird or the Ferengi D'kora Marauder?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Jimmy Fallon 2 weeks ago


Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TOS: The Lights of Zetar

Character insight - Dr. Arik Soong

Episode: http://media.libsyn.com/media/worldofwarcast/ThisWeekinTrekEpisode282.mp3