ATGN 079 - We Don’t Give A Shit About Your Problems

Long time guest host Ryan (@plus2cents) returns to the show today to infuse a tabletop flavor.  In traditional ATGN style we start out talking about news before Nightwing, from the chatroom, derails us talking about our top 3 TV shows of all time.  After this debate the crew plays a game of Clever Cosplay for the ages.  Oh, and we talk a lot about the polite fapper too.

Look for us LIVE Sunday mornings (11 AM EST) by checking out, where you will be either to participate via IRC chat. We are also always available via Twitter (@ATGNPodcast) Facebook ( or our ATGN Hotline at 304-806-ATGN. Don't forget we are a part of the Gonna Geek Network now!

Our Hosts This Week:
Chris - @RoundTableNerds
Naki - @1nerdycupcake
Adahy - @TheAdahy

Ryan - @plus2cents

Clever Cosplay Pics

Lego Spidey -

Kool Aid Guy -

Deadpool Crossplay -

Star Wars Crew -×387.jpg
