ATGN 062 - Happy Birthday Joss

The ATGN crew returns this week to talk about some of the big news.  On the top of everyone's mind this week the fact that Microsoft has removed the DRM requirements from the Xbox One and the upcoming Locke and Key movie.  

At the end of this show, the ATGN crew invites the live audience in to chat about Man of Steel.  Beware there are tons of spoilers in the Man of Steel discussion.

Look for us LIVE Sunday mornings (11 AM EST) by checking out, where you will be either to participate via IRC chat. We are also always available via Twitter (@ATGNPodcast) Facebook ( or our ATGN Hotline at 304-806-ATGN. Don't forget we are a part of the Gonna Geek Network now!

Our Hosts This Week:

Chris - @RoundTableNerds

Naki - @1nerdycupcake

Michelle - @michelleealey

Casey - @(he has none!)
