ATGN 038 - And So It Begins

The ATGN crew kicks of #Ryanuary with a vengeance this week.  Prepare yourself for an obscene amount of tabletop gaming news… especially since Ryan got Chris hooked on X-Wing miniatures.  We also cover the possible Tolkien Amusement Park, Justice League movie news, how JJ Abrams is possibly one of the coolest guys ever and much more this week on ATGN.

The Crew is testing out a perma-link for our live stream, so if you're looking for us on Sunday mornings (11 AM EST) check out, where you will be either to participate via IRC chat. We are also always available via Twitter (@ATGNPodcast) Facebook ( or our ATGN Hotline at 304-806-ATGN.

If you want to check up on our hosts, leave us feedback or have some game ideas you can follow us on Twitter at:

Chris: @RoundTableNerds Naki: @1nerdycupcake Adahy: @TheAdahy Ryan: @plus2cents

Stay tuned as #Ryanuary continues next week!

The shownotes can be found on Google Docs:
