ATGN 032 - Everybody Drop Your Trousers

This week on ATGN, our guest host is Marie Pabelonio who brings us an interesting article of an International Spy Museum in Washington DC. We discussed Skyfall and Wreck it Ralph, along with a lot of talk of…Bacon? Mmmm…bacon. Plus Drunk Spider-Man!

We played Fact or Fiction, talking about the Wii-U, the Diablo 3 Expansion and the ever dreamy Tom Hardy. ATGN also got our very first voicemail, which we play live for you! We talked a lot about Star Wars again, and the Tony Harris controversy. All of this gave us a lot of interesting discussion, let us know what you think!

Want to stalk the crew?  Check us out here:

Chris: @RoundTableNerds on Twitter,

Naki: @1nerdycupcake on Twitter,,

The Adahy: @TheAdahy on Twitter or, also on Twitch at (we also broadcast here, along with The Bytes!)

You can find us on: Facebook: Twitter: @ATGNPodcast Stitcher, iTunes and We are a part of the Junk Food Podcast Network

And we have a Google Voice number at 304-806-ATGN, leave us drunk voicemails and we'll air you on the internet!

The Show Notes can be found on Google Docs:
