ATGN 014 - Fuck Yeah Batman!

This week was the premiere of the Batman Special Edition that we have been hyping for the past month.  The Dark Knight Rises has hit theaters so we spent a lot of time talking about the movie.  This is a spoiler-laden episode so we strongly advise you to watch The Dark Knight Rises before listening to this episode of ATGN.

We are running a couple trivia contests this week.  The questions are below.  Get your answers in ASAP and you'll be in the running to get some free stuff.

Want to be in the running for the Lego Batman 2 on PS3? Or how about tickets to the premiere of Holy Bouncing Boobies!? Message us here or on Twitter at @ATGNPodcast with the answer to these Trivia Questions!

For the Lego Batman 2 game: Which 6 actors appear in 3 of the live action Batman movies?

For the Tickets to Holy Bouncing Boobies! (Chicagoland area only, sorry can't pay for travel costs!) Who were the original 3 ladies to play Catwoman in the 1960's? Follow us on Facebook at, on Twitter at @ATGNPodcast or you can now call us on Google Voice, at 304-806-ATGN. You can check us out on iTunes, Stitcher and Podbean. For links check out

Our guest host this week was: Jeremy Eden: @JeremyEden of @AllThingsEEK or

His Kickstarter is here:  Take a look at it both Adahy and Chris have actually funded a Kickstarter now and its this one!

Naki took over lead-hosting the show this week and rocked it.  Thanks for doing it!

The Usual Crew:

Chris: @RoundTableNerds

Naki: @1nerdycupcake

Adahy: @TheAdahy

Thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you next week
