All Things Good And Nerdy 004 - Its A Trap!

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 004 - Its A Trap!  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

Fair warning to everyone, The Avengers are discussed again, and there will be spoilers.  This movie is far too good to pass up talking about!

The other topics this week included an update on the status of Star Wars: The Old Republic and its declining users, the rise of casual gaming and its impact on Nintendo and Sony, Zynga potentially suing to trademark the usage of 'ville', the announcement of Axe Cop the cartoon, the death of traditional TV viewing and the rise of the streaming movement, rumors about a Steam console, and making fun of the long delayed Starcraft Ghost.  Also, there was a conversation about The Avengers and if that movie had made The Dark Knight Rises less exciting.  The group thinks the movie will be good, but it will be a tough fight against The Avengers.  Finally, there was a spirited debate about Maxim's Gamergirl contest and whether this reinforces poor stereotypes.  This topic will be back, we promise that!

The panel this week consisted of:

The Adahy - or @TheAdahy

Chris - or @RoundTableNerds

This week also featured two special guest hosts as Naki was unavailable.  We had both Ryan and Michelle sitting in this week.  Thanks to Michelle for guest hosting again this week!

Ryan -

Michelle - @MichelleEaley

It was a fun panel this week.  Next week everyone should be back and we'll have another guest host.  Remember if you're interested in guest hosting let us know!

If you only remember one thing from this week's episode, remember that some people just want to cut you.
