Into the Nexus returns, albeit a little later and on a different day than usual! Kyle is back from traveling, Garrett's playing Zagara again, and the landscape of Heroes has changed rather drastically... or has it? The duo talk through how not to have a knee-jerk reaction to all of the change that have hit the game, how altered heroes have landed, and go through what heroes they want to be playing right now battleground by battleground. Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to If you enjoyed Dunk on today's show, the next goal is to have DunkTrain as a recurring guest! Don't forget to check out the ITN subreddit at to submit stories or upvote existing submissions. Follow for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at Into the Nexus is a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction. Get ITN Download ITN MP3 Shownotes: iTunes: YouTube: