Lou and Ryan hold down the fort as Bob steps out. But don't fret, we have plenty of news to keep us company! Call of Duty Zombies is still going strong thanks to the 90's themed DLC launching soon, Resident Evil 7 is out now and reviewing well, The Walking Dead comic series is getting a companion, and Netflix has two zombie offerings for fans: ReZort and Santa Clarita Diet.
The time is finally here, coming soon is Ryan's conclusion to the epic journey of watching all Resident Evil films for the podcast. We wrap it up with the newly released Final Chapter. Stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks about other Extra Life 2016 goal rewards.
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Have a question or comment for the show? Want to try and stump the Busy Zombie Lord? Email the show at info@zombiesatemypodcast.com!
Zombies Ate My Podcast is a weekly podcast focused on all things zombies! Each week Bob, Ryan, and Lou break down the zombie news, discuss zombie movies both old and new, and spoil the living dead out of The Walking Dead.
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The post ZAMP 161 - The Zombie Netflix Diet appeared first on Zombies Ate My Podcast.
Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/zamp/zombiesatemypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/podcast/zamp161-26012017.mp3