It's an annual tradition here at Coverville - and just because it's the 13th edition, it doesn't mean things could go wrong, does it? Haha, edited most of it out, but you'll get a taste for the fun recording issues on this one. Your Beatles favorites - in cover form! (85 minutes)
Featuring Title Artist Length Artwork Album Original Artist Versions Buy Rain Michael Carpenter 3:14 SOOP#1 (Songs Of Other People) Beatles 8 iTunes Amazon While My Guitar Gently Weeps Regina Spektor 5:23 Kubo and the Two Strings Beatles 5 Amazon Come Together Pomplamoose 2:47 Besides Beatles 40 iTunes Amazon What Goes On Tyler Lyle 3:55 Looking Through You: A 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles' Rubber Soul Beatles 5 Amazon Day Tripper Emmanuel Santarromana 3:14 Fab4ever Beatles 23 iTunes Amazon Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da House Of Heroes 3:12 The Knock-Down Drag-Outs Beatles 6 iTunes Amazon I've Just Seen a Face The Binghamton Crosbys 2:06 The Red Room Beatles 10 Amazon エリナー・リグビー (Eleanor Rigby) モップス 4:18 恋を抱きしめたい Beatles Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Puffy 3:37 PUFFY AMIYUMI x PUFFY Beatles 23 Amazon ひとりぼっちのあいつ (Nowhere man) TIMESLIP 2:53 #9 DREAM Beatles Amazon Paperback Writer Sinfonico Honolulu 2:39 Absolutely Live Beatles 9 iTunes Magical Mystery Tour Gigantor 5:28 It's All Cover Now, Baby Blue! Beatles 6 iTunes Amazon Lady Madonna Allen Toussaint 2:15 The Art of McCartney (Amazon Exclusive Version) Beatles 8 Amazon From Me To You Eton Road 2:45 Liverpool - The Number Ones Album Beatles 8 Amazon Let It Be Gregory Porter 3:02 Dermot O'Leary Presents The Saturday Sessions 2016 Beatles 23 Amazon Across the Universe Scorpions 3:17 Comeblack Beatles 24 Amazon Something Norah Jones 3:13 George Fest: A Night To Celebrate The Music Of George Harrison Beatles 11 Amazon I'm Only Sleeping Shawn Mullins 2:53 Tomorrow Never Knows: A 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles' Revolver Beatles 7 Amazon The Fool on the Hill Bruce Cockburn 4:06 Let Us In Americana the Music of Paul McCartney Beatles 8 Amazon In My Life Diana Krall 3:51 Wallflower (Deluxe Edition) Beatles 23 iTunes A Day In The Life The Flaming Lips 4:55 With A Little Help From My Fwends Beatles 17 iTunes