To The Pint
Jeremy - A little sweet for my taste. I would like more bitterness to balance out the fruity sweetness. - 6/10Gary - Not a classic red ale flavor. Doesn't look good in the glass. Flat. - 5/10Keith - Rich fruity malty flavors. Refreshing. One of the best red ale's I have had. - 8/10Rob - A little on the flat side. Stone fruit. - 6/10
Total: 6.5/10
Pint Taken
Apricot Hefeweizen, Wasatch BreweryCampfire Stout, High Water BrewingPBRBreaking Bud, Knee Deep BrewingDBA, Firestone WalkerSless' Oatmeal Stout, Iron SpringsLongboard Island Lager, Kona BreweryCoors LightDBA, Firestone WalkerPace Car Racer, Bear RepublicMischief, The BrueryCoors BanquetLongboard Island Loager, Kona BreweryShallow Grave, Heretic BrewingPBRCoors LightPBRCoors LightLongboard Island Lager, Kona BreweryOmmegang Witte
Half Pints
BONUS PICK: Rogue One second trailer
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@pnrshow@wolfmank (Keith)@rebrob (Rob)@jeremybrooks (Jeremy)@alwaysbreaking (Gary)
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Thanks to The Poxy Boggards for the theme song, and to RoboBoogie for the awesome logo!