Show Notes:
Our opening and closing music is a selection from "Unlocked Door" used by permission of Alex Cook. Thank you Alex!
If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook's bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer
The following songs from The Free Music Archive also appeared in this episode under a Creative Commons License:
Billy Murray's "The Streets of New York"
People Like Us "Happy Lost Songs"
If you like Tell It Anyway and want to support our show, you can do it here! The money pays for guest parking, guest beverages, and our intern! Not in order of importance. If money's not in the cards, write us! Tell us what you think of the show. Maybe tell us a story! That's super valuable too.
Thanks to our patrons for their support! Thanks our Story MVP Ellie Goldman! Thanks to the Storybackers and special thanks to the Starting Story Lineup.
Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme.
Theme: Lost Friends
Storytellers: Jennie Josephson, Norman Lawrence, & Chris Himes
Part One: Jennie Josephson "Pre-GPS Directions"
Part Two: Norman Lawrence "Five Dollar Chicken"
Part Three: Chris Himes "Tom"
Behind the story: There actually is a story behind this one! I recorded this in New York last year, right before I turned 39. We were in a professional radio studio, using gorgeous microphones, and of course, I had the inputs up way to high, so it sounds crunchy. Then one of the storytellers, I'M NOT SAYING WHO, asked me not to publish this. Something about being embarrassed. So I didn't. For like, a whole year.
But then I ran out of stories. So you know, you tell it, eventually we're gonna share it.