Welcome to the Small Screen Spoiler Show episode 51! I'm CJ "I'm about sick of always having to buy new clothes" Boat, he's Jarred "I ain't no hero. Pay me." Azevedo.
Audio Content from Darrell "most of me is Chinese" Shayler.
Today's shows are:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
S4E4: Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire
IMDB Score: 9.0
Luke Cage
S1E6: Suckas Need Bodyguards
IMDB Score: 8.4
S1E7: Manifest
IMDB Score: 8.8
CJ's Challenge to Jaz: Arrow
Flash S3e2
Arrow S5e2
Legends of tomorrow S2e2
Supergirl S2e2
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Gotham-esque Payoff
No Quippy Coulson
Gonna Ghost Ride it
The Diamondback Group
His superpower is hearing squeaky floorboards
Shades be Creepin'
Iron Fist disco outfit
Wash out the Johnson
John Barrowman is the Night Nurse // CJB // JAZ
Mr. Terrific: He's Terrific!