We're a spoiler free fan podcast where we talk about HBO's Game of Thrones. We're spoiler free, however, if the show starts following the LOTR rings, then we're not at fault. Na-na-na-boo boo!
The Unholy Trinity is back! I'm Jeannie "Winifred Sanderson" Szarama.
Joining me is Rachel "Lydia Deetz" Watson.
And as always: Nikkie "PennyWise" Duke.
If you don't get the references, we're too old for you
The Emmys! Outstanding writing, directing & The big one! Drama The Syrian tourism department is using the Game of Thrones theme in their latest video http://www.travelerstoday.com/articles/23582/20161009/syrian-tourism-video-attracts-tourists-game-thrones-tune.htm No Maisie in Pacific Rim 2 :( www.ibtimes.com/will-game-thrones-star-maisie-williams-appear-pacific-rim-2-2428809
Jason Mmmmmmomoa fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHH36AdR-k8 Have we talked about the Teaser from Comicon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjue5j1JRaA New GoT Card game! http://www.highdefdigest.com/blog/game-of-thrones-hand-of-the-king-card-game-review/
I will Survive! Some of the Rough Draft's details (Beware, possible spoilers in the link) http://winteriscoming.net/2016/10/08/which-5-characters-did-george-r-r-martin-say-were-survive-to-the-end-of-asoiaf/?utm_campaign=WiC+Daily&utm_source=FanSided+Daily&utm_medium=email
Episode: http://traffic.libsyn.com/tyrionslanding/112_Emmys_and_More.mp3?dest-id=134558