I compare the wide-angle camera on the new iPhone 7 Plus to that of the iPhone 6. I'm hoping it will help you decide if the new camera alone is worth the upgrade. I include a really good sample set of good and low light samples in a downloadable for the comparison so you can follow along. Tom Stewart joins us for a review of the flight simulator called X-Plane from X-Plane.com. Next up I'll walk you through the differences between the original Apple Watch and the new Apple Watch Series 2, again to help you decide if it's worth the upgrade. Finally we'll hear a quick message from Allister Jenks as he tells us how he created a Podfeet Sticker Pack for the new iMessage in iOS 10 and macOS Sierra.
Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2016_09_25.mp3