Special 2: Orange is the New Black Season 4 Recap

Join CJ Boat and Dale Campbell as they spoil you on the entire 4th season of the Netflix Original: Orange is the New Black! Just as a reminder, we are going to spoil the listed shows and anything prior to the show! For example, if we talk about season 2 episode 21 of a show, anything 20 and before are up for debate. We will try to not spoil the "Next time on" that most shows do. If you haven't watched, or don't want to be spoiled, on the following shows, please come back later.

Special 2: Orange is the New Black Season 4 Recap

Episode: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/s3.amazonaws.com/btr.shows/9/191/show_9191465_2016_08_11_21_57_21.mp3