In this Special Report, Pat talks to Accomp about the LEGION BETA. They will be talking in depth on some items, but there is so much happening with Legion that this conversation will only scratch the surface of all the information to be had. If you wish to follow along, check out Accomp's Legion Guide here:
0:00 - Intro
2:28 - Demon Hunter overview
7:19 - Class overhaul overview: Talents, Artifact weapons and talents, Alternate specs and characters, etc.
18:49 - Character progression paths: Leveling, mob scaling, world quests, Suramar, dungeons 34:46 - Mythic+ dungeons
41:12 - Raid testing
44:35 - Gearing paths, legendary items and the Titanforge system
54:30 - Professions
1:00:23 - Glyphs
1:04:09 - Tranmog system
1:05:19 Wrap Up and Outro
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Accomp --