#141 - The Angry Chicken: "Hallazeal and Sentient Tentacles"

On The Angry Chicken #141 writer and podcast host Nydra joins the show to talk about his recent GosuGamers piece on win trading in Hearthstone. Also this week Team 5 divulged all their secrets about the search tag improvements, Naiman redeemed himself in style at the HCT Europe Championship, and the TAC crew broke down 10 new Old Gods cards. You can support The Angry Chicken by becoming a Patron at http://www.patreon.com/tac. Thanks for the support! You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/amovetv The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett, Dills, and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!   Get TAC Download TAC MP3 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/angry-chicken-blog-amove.tv/id724741688 RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/theangrychicken TAC Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XfbDtQWn3XsRYirRbPxjf5v0UA7IMo9LP1QC4mqLe8/pub Youtube:

Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/theangrychicken/~5/pFbY72tUHig/tac-episode_141.mp3