Episode 190 – Festive

The Valentine Cast Show Notes



Coming to you, from Louisville, KY!  It's the ValentineCast with your
Festive couple, J and Renee Valentine.  

Intro Music - Who Loves Me by Pretty Lights – http://www.prettylightsmusic.com/#/home

Today is December 21, 2015 and this is Episode 190!

Weekend Wrap-up

Christmas Prep Christmas Chewie

Tech (Gadgets, Computers, etc.)

a6000 New Printer?

Media (Movies, Games, Books, Television Shows, Music)

Saw some movie about space or something or other Google Music Family Plan Star Wars Battlefront

Odds and Ends (Bumper provided by Johnny Feisty)

Congratulations to Steve and Nikki!!! Birthdays Jessica (Today) Matthew Johnson (Tomorrow) Danna (Wednesday) Friscos (Wednesday) D (Thursday) Anton (Friday) Melissa Cornett (Saturday) Greg DeMadaerios (Sunday) Jennifer Martin (12/28) Alachia (12/29) Tiffany Quintas (12/29) Monique Crocker (12/30) Kanesha (12/30) Carolyn Gardner (12/31) Jeff Anderson (12/31) Charles Cadenhead (1/1) Kat (1 /2) Leah (1 /3) Gregory Simmons (1 /3)

Contact Information

You can reach us by email at thevalentinecast@gmail.com. You can also see our blog at valentinecast.com.  The podcast Twitter feed is ValentineCast. The facebook page is facebook.com/Valentinecast. Video can be seen at http://youtube.com/ValentineCast  J's Twitter feed is theCaoboi and Renee's twitter feed is theIceflow.

Outro Music:  Pretty Lights - If I Gave You My Love from the Pretty Lights Music

Episode: http://atvalentine.podbean.com/mf/web/vyhxqu/Episode190.mp3

Episode: http://atvalentine.podbean.com/mf/web/vyhxqu/Episode190.mp3