Welcome to the new Alpha Geek

Streaming 24/7 across three channels (plus one for Special Events) via damn near every device and platform on the planet, Alpha Geek Video takes Alpha Geek Radio to the next level of Geek-friendly programming.
Enjoy live streams of all of your favorite shows, on whatever device you have handy, regardless of how much bandwidth you have to spare. Stuck driving around running errands? Use the TuneIn App to listen to the low-bandwidth audio streams, without hitting your data cap. At home in front of you TV? Use your Apple TV, Roku, Xbox One or any of a wide assortment of connected devices to watch in glorious 720p HD video. If your favorite host is streaming, there's no reason you can't be a part of the live show!

When at your computer, use the all-purpose player page to watch or listen to whichever stream you like, while participating in the live chat room of your choosing. Just use the pull-down menus to choose your show and chat, and off you go!
Want video on your phone or other mobile device? Just point your device's web browser at http://www.alphageekvideo.com and enjoy playback in a simple-to-use interface, no App required.
Easy Subscriptions
Check out the Subscribe page for easy links to all of our channels on the different platforms we have set up.
Talent Scouting
Now that the new servers are fully up and running, we have extra capacity! Do you know of a show or host that you think would be a good fit for Alpha Geek? Have them submit their show for consideration here: http://www.alphageekradio.com/p/submissions.html
If you like what I am doing with the network, please consider becoming my Patron on Patreon. I love working on Alpha Geek, and it is my dream to do this full-time. You can help that dream become a reality with a monthly pledge.
You can also send a one-time donation via PayPal.
You can also send a one-time donation via PayPal.
Thank you!
My thanks to everyone who donated to the fundraiser, and to everyone who has helped get this upgrade up and running. Special shout outs to Tinnvec and SgtMuffin from the Chatrealm, and Tom Merritt for being my beta-test Monkey.
As always, feedback and suggestions are welcomed at info@alphageekradio.com