50 – Our 50th Show!

You did it! You poor bastards. You made it to our 50th show! Thanks for joining us this year! We've had a blast with you, our listeners and subscribers.

Topics discussed on this wintery holiday show….

* Perry Goldstein joins us to talk tech from ThePerryScope.com
* Extremist Christian Registry and shutting down churches (Dave digs it)
* The Donald (Trump)
* More Star Wars Mania
* Chris Herbert's message "Get a grip" (Dave no dig)
* What Dave wants to hear every Muslim say before they gain admittance to America
* The guy who follows hookers with drones

Dave pulled a hamstring during tonight's show so we're taking the rest of the year off. See you in January on the podcast feed and live on alphageekradio.com Wednesday nights 9:30pm - 11pm. We have some live music planned for you, and drinking.


Episode: http://www.theindispensableshow.com/podcast-download/489/50-our-50th-show.mp3