Hammond: I am me. -
Joey: I am me & I hope all of you are also you!
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CHITCHAT (Why'd we reboot?)
WHAT'S GOT OUR GOAT?: Crappy problems & little things that bug us:
Purple cabbage in premade salad ruins the whole thing.
Camping is packing up a bunch of junk, moving into the woods, unpacking & setting up so you can be eaten by mosquitos, eat bad food & not sleep freezing all night on a crappy air mattress, repeat a few times then undo it all & go home. NO THANKS!
Constellations: Drawing lines between stars and calling it something that doesn't exist is so dumb!!
Dude who swiped my stall at Mile High Stadium. "Stall stole"
Pilot- Panic and "Ground"
Ruth's Chris - Send backs and kids
(rejection stories)
Parents and computers. NO THANKS! (now an iPhone too)
Verizon guy insisting my own plan to me. What?
My weiner is cold
RAINBOWS & UNICORNS?: Positive Stuff!
Made lots of progress on my 1930s ray gun.
Saw Broncos play
Had dinner with Brian, Tina, and then got to hang with the neighbors.
For a guy who's unemployed, I sure am busy. Podcasts, YouTubes, etc..
Preparing for a move.
THE LAST WORD: You've got the last word.
MP3 from Rod in the UK
MP3 Ryan from Ohio
Cara on Twitter got poopsnuggled.
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@thetreknerd on Twitter This Week in Trek. TMS's Stump a Trek Nerd segment.
@jhammondc on Twitter Beyond the Playlist with JHammondC.
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