SMRpodcast #265: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 33

Episode #265 of the SMRpodcast is online.  It's just the two big fellas this week, so, Chris and Robb hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer part 33.

We start the show of with more talk about Windows 10.  Robb and Chris have both been playing with it for a week and see no reason why 95% of consumers shouldn't download and install it.  Robb believes that 10 runs faster on his nearly 3 year old Dell XPS 10 than did Windows 8.

Destiny has a new DLC coming out in September called The Taken King.  Chris covers many of the new features coming in the update which seems more like Destiny 2, than, an extenuation of the existing title.

The Android exploit Stage Fright which allows malicious coded in MMS messages to take over over 950 million Android devices has prompted Samsung start pushing security updates monthly.  The is a significant change to the current policy of "whenever Samsung feels like it".  Google is also adopting this policy on the the Nexus line of devices and it isn't hard to imagine that other manufacturers will follow suit.

Twitter still hasn't figured out how to make money, there is a Windows 10 upgrade email scam making its way around the net, and we ponder whether Microsoft should bring Android Apps to Windows Phone 10.  We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode #265 of the SMRpodcast.

Show Information


Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @RobbDunewood


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