Yet again I delve into why my family chews up so much data when on travel and I take a first look at the $7 menubar app TripMode from to limit and measure my data usage. I give you some thoughts about Apple Photos now that the honeymoon is over, and it's not all happy happy joy joy. A lot of people say we don't NEED smart watches but I had an example where the Apple Watch really saved me. Donald Burr goes crazy about two dock adapters from CableJive: Compact dock adapter and Dock adapter with 2 foot cord. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart takes us through all of the crazy security news from BlackHat and Deacon this week and tells us whether to light our hair on fire, and then he gives us a short and sweet explanation of what JSON is and what we might want to do with it. Here's a link to Bart's blog post.