Roberto and SkyBlew (aka Mario Farrow) are like peas in a pod, if the pod happened to include all of the hiphop, anime, & 90s cartoons it could fit. They hit it off, talking about Sky's beginnings in hiphop, how he's opened for hot hiphop artists like Kendrick Lamar, inspirations, jazz bands?!, questions from the audience and more! (Recorded Live on June 10th, 2015) (Episode 182)
Sky's Plugs!
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Show Notes:
SkyBlew's UnModern Life (bandcamp) Spit (Urban Dictionary) A Tribe Called Quest (Wikipedia) Hey, Arnold! (Wikipedia) Kendrick Lamar (Wikipedia) Del The Funky Homosapien (Wikipedia) Flobots (Wikipedia) D&D Sluggers (bandcamp) Raheem's Crazy Tour Story (CRTV) Race for Your Lift, Charlie Brown (Wikipedia)
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