New Live Shows!

Please welcome these great new shows that will be streaming LIVE on the network!

Airing Monday-Friday at 11:00AM Mountain Time on Video and Audio Channel 2:

HockeyBuzz: Founded in 2005, enters its 10th season covering the NHL. With 46 original content writers, and over 1 Million unique visitors monthly, HockeyBuzz has become the largest trafficked independently owned Hockey site online today.

Airing Mondays at 7:30PM Mountain Time on Audio Channel 3:

Tyrion's Landing: We are passionate fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones discussing the world of the Lannisters, Starks, and Targaryens. We delve into current episodes and discuss news. No spoilers allowed! Our goal is simple, enjoy Game of Thrones among friends in a casual atmosphere. We don’t dissect, we love.

Airing Wednesdays at 7:30PM on Audio Channel 1:

Zombies Ate My Podcast: Join Bob, Ryan and Lou as they prepare you for the zombie apocalypse. They discuss the latest in zombie news, Walking Dead spoiler reviews and more! Do yourself a favor and listen to Zombies Ate My Podcast (your life may depend on it)!

