#178 - Convert to Raid: Patch 6.2 Hits the PTR!

This week Blizzard put patch 6.2 on the test realms, and if you've been looking for more content, here it is!
The Tanaan Jungle will open, and includes a brand new raid tier with Hellfire Citadel. Archimonde will be the last boss of the instance, which brings up a couple of different questions. Will this tier bring in a storyline involving the Burning Legion? Will we see Sargeras? And on the other hand, what does this mean for the real world timeline of Warlords of Draenor?
Opening the Tanaan Jungle is only the beginning of new content. Players will be adding to their garrison with the new Shipyard, which will not only be the initial way to get to Tanaan, but will lead to naval missions as well.
A new Mythic dungeon difficulty was announced for 6.2, where players can tackle tough team content for item level 680 loot on a weekly lockout. But is reworking of current content a great catch up tool, or something that will be set aside rather quickly?
The Timewalking feature will also be coming to 6.2, where old school dungeons from previous expansions will be scaled to challenge players that have out leveled them in a new sort of "heroic" difficulty. Does this light the way for more scaled content, like Timewalking in old school raids, or will this "renewing" of old content be met with indifference?
Plus, more on the Legendary Ring (and it's new proc), some BIG class changes for raiders in 6.2, and more in the jam packed episode of Convert to Raid!

Episode: http://traffic.libsyn.com/converttoraid/ctr_178.mp3