Episode 107: Podcasting Is BACK!!! (At least from the holiday break)

News – Podcasting is back!!! Not really because it was never gone. But, we are back from our Christmas and New Years break and excited to see what 2015 brings. We look forward to getting our listeners involved and bringing you the best show and community that we can. App Mention – GroupShot Store – Check out our Amazon Store for great Gear for your iPhone

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST
Live Show – Chat Room & Live Show Directions
Facebook – iPhonography | A Tiny Shutter Group
Google+ – Tiny Shutter Group
Instagram – Tiny Shutter Account

Use hashtag #TinyShutter to get your photo featured as a TinyShutter 'Post Picture of the Week'.

Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/tinyshutter/www.tinyshutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/TSEpisode107.mp3