DTNS 2402 – Bill Gates Wastes Nothing
Nicole Lee joins the show to talk about the Best of CES– and some of the worst.
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Show Notes
Today’s guest: Nicole Lee, senior editor Engadget
Check out Engadget’s Best of CES finalists written by Nicole Lee!
Intel had its keynote address at CES last night and Brian Krzanich showed off Curie, a tiny computer with an Intel Quark low-power chip and Bluetooth that can be used in rings, bracelets and even buttons. Reuters reports Curie is due later in 2015. Krzanich also announced the company is investing $300 million in math-related education and other programs to help employ more women and minorities in the technology and the video game industries. Krzanich also announced a goal to reach full representation of women and minorities in Intel’s workforce by 2020.
AT&T announced that beginning January 25th, customers with the Mobile Share Value plan can roll over unused data to the next month. Rollover minutes only last a month and are only used after all normal plan data is used.
Nicole Lee got a look at the Avegant Glyph, a stylish pair of Beats-looking headphones that can also project a video screen on your eyes when you tilt them down to cover your face. A smartphone or other device with an HDMI cable provides the video. Small DLP arrays bounce light directly on your retina, giving the appearance you'd get from an 80-inch screen with a 40% field of view. You can preorder the Glyph for $499 until mid-January when the price jumps to $599. Avegant will ship production versions to its Kickstarter backers in late 2015 and others by the end of the year.
Wired Reports US FBI Director James Coney told an audience at the International Conference on Cyber Security today that the Sony Pictures Entertainment attackers sometimes failed to use proxies and in Coneys words, "we could see that the IPs they were using…were exclusively used by the North Koreans." He also said a behavorial analysis unit trained to analyze writing and action also was used as evidence.
Remember yesterday when Patrick asked when the Pono will be available? Now, Patrick. The Verge has a look at Neil Young’s triangular high-fi music player available to the general public for $399. It comes with 64 GB of built in storage, plus a 64 GB microSD card and can hold microSD cards up to 128 GB in size. The software is Android based and according to the Verge, “pretty basic”. The Pono is available in black or orange. Ok fine, but what about the music? The Pono plays almost any kind of audio file, FLAC, WAV, Apple Lossless. OK fine, but how does it SOUND? According to the Verge reporter Chris Welch — “pretty fantastic.”
Engadget wrote up Intel's HDMI Compute Stick, which is a 4-inch long Windows 8.1 machine. The HDMI dongle has a quad-core ATOM CPU, 32 GB of storage, 2 GB of RAM a USB port WiFi and Bluetooth 4 plus a mini-USB for power. The Intel product page even mentions a micro SD card slot It arrives in March for $149. You can also get a version with only 1 GB of RAM and 8 GBof storage with Linux for $89.
The MHL Consortium announced SuperMHL a new connector format that can play 8K video at 120 fps and color ranges up to 48-bit. You can also link multiple SuperMHL devices and charge with up to 40W of power. It also supports Dolby Atmos and DTS-UHD AND its reversible. o what awesome devices use the spec? None. The spec will be done at the end of January. So maybe next CES for the devices.
Spoiler alert: This story may spoil your appetite. Forever. But bear with us. Bill Gates funded something called The OmniProcessor, and yesterday he went and checked it out. And by checked out, we mean that Bill Gates drank clean water that was reclaimed from human waste. HOLD ON. The Omniprocessor is a building-sized machine that boils sewer sludge boils sewer sludge, burns the dried sludge to create steam which powers a steam engine to make electricty and then the steam is cleaned to become pure drinking water. Janicki Bioenergy created the machine, which is scheduled for a pilot run in Senegal later this year. But Bill, how did it TASTE? “It’s water,” Gates said after taking the worlds smallest ever sip.
Reuters reports Xiaomi has started allowing its phones to be sold in stores in India, changing its online-only approach. The Redmi Note 4G will be sold in Bharti Airtel shops in six cities at 133 locations. Xiaomi also plans to launch its pricier Mi4 by the end of this month or early next.
Engadget reports on the first phone from Saygus in five years and we mention it mostly for you spec lovers. 256 GB of storage a 21MP rear camera, 13 MP front camera, stereo Harmon Kardon speakers, 60GHz WiFi. The rest is fairly standard, a 5-inch 1080p screen 2.5 GHz Qualcomm quad core processor and 3 GB of RAM. Price and release date? Ha ha. No.
The Verge reports that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler says the FCC will vote on net neutrality on February 26th, 2015. Wheeler spoke just now in a public interview at CES, saying “We’re going to circulate it to the commissioners on February 5th and vote on it February 26th.”
News From You
The world-beating t2t2 who among many super powers hosts our chat room at irc.dtns.tv submitted this PC Gamer article that Riot, makers of League of Legends, is QUOTE "in the process of creating our own direct network for League traffic and working with ISPs across the US and Canada to connect players to this network.” They hope to ave it up and running as early as March. The idea is to reduce ping time, packet loss and stabilize connections. So rather than try to push governments to give them help with business deals Riot just decided to build their own Autonomous Network backbone. Go Riot.
habichuelacondulce sent us the 9 to 5 mac report that Monster announced it will sue Beats Electronics for allegedly stealing its headphone technology. The suit accuses Iovine and and Dre of "deliberate acts of corporate betrayal" claiming the two "engaged in a conspiracy and course of conduct to improperly cpntrol Monster's incredibly successful engineering, manufacturing, marketing, distributin and sales channels. .." The original Beats headphones were developed in partnership with Monster but when HTC acquired Beats, a change of control provision was cited as a reason to terminate the partnership.
Discussion Section: CES Best of finalists
Pick of the Day:
Awhile back Kevin was listening to Darren Kitchen and I talk about the possibility of Facebook getting a dislike button and we mentioned it would be nice if you could select different emotions. Kevin writes: “The discussion reminded me of a site that aggregates and summarizes the hottest news, called Newser (www.newser.com). I have used this site for years, and really like how it presents news. If you look at a story, you have the option to click a reaction to the story. They offer Hilarious, Depressing, Scary, Intriguing, Brilliant, and Ridiculous as options (see the attached image). They then allow users to search news based on what type of story they want based on the reactions.
Our next DTNS contributors have been announced: Scott Johnson and Veronica Belmont! If you’d like to hear more of Scott and Veronica, go here: patreon.com/acedtect
DTNS has an Instagram account! Jennie will be posting from CES until she falls down. http://instagram.com/dtnspix/
Tomorrow’s guest: Justin Robert Young
3Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DailyTechNewsShow/~3/-10wL43mPNA/
4Episode: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/184963086-tom-merritt-dtns-2402-bill-gates-wastes-nothing.mp3