DTNS 2381 – G, How Fast?
Breki Tomasson joins us to talk about the rise of hacker groups both good and bad. The 1900s had Wobblies and the 1960s had Situationists. Is the 21st century’s version?
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Show Notes
Today’s guests: Breki Tomasson, founder of the CSICON podcasting network
Ars Technica reports Oculus and Samsung began taking orders in the US for the "Innovator Edition" of the head-mounted virtual reality display that pairs with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Samsung.com is taking the orders for the $200 device as well as $250 bundle that includes a Bluetooth controller. Samsung says it will expand orders to other countries in January with worldwide availability expected later in 2015.
The Verge reports Facebook users can now use keywords to search for specific individual posts, not just for other users and pages. Autocomplete will add keywords when you start typing a person's name. The search only looks at posts shared with you by people in your network. The features roll out today on desktop and in an updated iOS app soon. After that launch is complete in the US, it will come to Android and other countries. Graph Search is also coming to mobile on iOS first then Android.
The BBC reports Sony's Playstation Store was offline for a few hours this morning as result of a distributed denial of service attack. The system appears to be back online. The attack was not related to the attack two weeks ago on Sony Pictures Entertainment's internal network.
Engadget reports New Delhi has banned Uber from operating in the city after a woman alleged one of the company's drivers raped her. Special Commissioner of Delhi Transport Department, Satish Mathur told Economic Times that the company misled customers by using vehicles with the wrong permits and has never applied for permission to operate in the city. The driver in question was out on bail for sexually assaulting a woman in a cab he was driving in 2011. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said the company will do everything to support the victim.
Apple Insider looks over Apple's Best of 2014 awards. Photo editor Pixelmator got the top nod on the iPad and Elevate – Brain Training took the iPhone honors. Monument Valley took top iPad game and Threes was named best game on iPhone. Beyonce won top artist and Sam Smith won best new artist. Taylor Swift's "1989" got top album and Iggy Azalea got best song for "Fancy". Guardians of the Galaxy received best movie and Fargo won TV show of the year. And yes there were best podcast awards. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History deservedly took the best classic podcast and Serial won best new podcast.
The term 4G got muddled when carriers applied it to fast 3G services like HSPA+. Now according to GigaOm, the GSM Association released a report Monday in advance of setting the official definition of 5G. The report describes two main schools of thought. One would narrowly define 5G as technology that improved wireless speed and latency. A broader competing definition called the "Hyper-connected vision" prioritizes compatibility, coverage area, green technology, and internet of things support alongside speed and latency. The report is just an analysis and even when a definition is agreed upon, history teaches us carriers will ignore it when they feel like it.
PC World reviews the Samsung 850 EVO Solid State Drive with 3D NAND. This is the consumer version of the 850 Pro is less expensive and comes with only a five year warranty. The drive is self-encrypting and ranges from 75 to 150 TeraBytes Written. In other words it'll last you awhile. The drive sells for $100 for the 120GB, $up to $500 for the 1TB.
Reuters reports mobile transactions on Alipay online payment platform jumped to 54% of all transactions in the first 10 months of the year. Mobile had been 22% of transactions in all of 2013. The increase was driven in part by consumers in rural areas and smaller cities adopting mobile devices as their primary tool for online shopping. Alipay is China’s largest payment service provider owned by Ant Financial and controlled by Alibaba’s executive chairman and founder Jack Ma.
News From You
KAPT_Kipper posted the Kotaku story sharing the sad news that Ralph Baer, designer of the machine that became the Magnavox Odyssey home video game console, died this weekend. He also developed the light gun and the electronic memory game Simon. Baer was 92.
mranthrpology pointed us towards the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory post that NASA's New Horizons spacecraft came out of hibernation Saturday for its 2015 encounter with Pluto. The activation signal took 4 hours and 26 minutes to reach Earth. New Horizons will begin observing the Pluto system on Jan. 15. New Horizons' closest approach to Pluto will occur on July 14.
Metalfreak submitted the PC World article that the International Telecommunications Union announced the approval of a standard for G.fast on Friday. G.fast promises speeds up to 1Gbps over 100 meters using copper wire. IN practice it's slower but BT demonstrated download speeds of 700 Mbps over 66 meters earlier this year. ITU expects the first rollouts to come before the end of next year.
Discussion Links: Sony Playstation hack
Pick of the Day: Name Changer via Paul in New York
Paul from New York was running Plex as his media server and loved it but ran into a tricky problem that led to today’s pick from him: He says, “The PLEX Server wanted my video files to follow a very specific naming convention, and faced with hours of work manually renaming hundreds of files, I began to look for a better solution. Thus my pick-of-the-day suggestion is a wonderful app for the Mac that I found called “Name Changer” from MRR Software:
This very simple piece of software has multiple options for renaming groups of files, from sequential numbering to pattern matching to full “Regular Expression” support in a clean intuitive interface. Although available for free, given the hours of effort it saved me, I was happy to make the $10 suggested donation at the author’s website.
If anyone is faced with a similar task of renaming multiple files, I would highly recommend it.”
Monday’s guest: Breki Tomasson
3Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DailyTechNewsShow/~3/sbtYXe4WQXg/
4Episode: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/180604619-tom-merritt-dtns20dtns-2381-g-how-fast.mp3