The Geek I/O Show: Episode 83 - Not enough money in the budget for dragon
This week on The Geek I/O Show, we laid the smackdown in our Winter Movie Smackdown auction! We even had the most rad of geeks, Professor Shyguy, as our auctioneer! You can't handle this! The usual gang was all there plus our favorite foreigners whose names start with 'Da', Darrel and Dale!
We discussed always going butt first, refreshing your body, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Trap Team, orc throat punching in Shadows of Mordor, big fat hobbit butts, Twin Peaks rage, wrist pain, schoolin', mother effin Destiny, Darrel's new shiney, another young adult dystopian future story with a strong female lead called Divergent, bladder stones in a Ziploc bag, Arrow's shirt allergy and Dale's shit allergy, may the yuletide spank, Batmoses, Emmy Rossom and Reverb, a bear with a hat, special effects nephew, and a shot-glass of Surge. Plus! Bring in the boner!
Join us on The Geek I/O Show, won't you? It's like Oops! All Berries: The Movie.
Simulcast Episode