#54 The Angry Chicken: "BlizzCon Fallout"

On The Angry Chicken episode 54, Goblins vs Gnomes isn't that far away and Team 5 has been previewing quite a few cards. Also this week Zeriyah took to the forums to discuss many hot GvG topics, permabans fall on botters, crazy game stories are enjoyed, and plenty of emails are read. Topping off this week's episode is an interview with Rachelle Davis, Yong Woo, and Ben Brode of Team 5 from the floor of BlizzCon 2014. Big thanks to the team for taking time out of their insanely busy BlizzCon schedule for the recording. You can support The Angry Chicken by going to http://ww.patreon.com/tac. Follow us on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv and subscribe to the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/starcastshow. You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com.  

Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/theangrychicken/~5/XyxzIWDBnhQ/tac-episode_54.mp3