#53 The Angry Chicken: "Live from BlizzCon 2014!"

On The Angry Chicken episode 53, BlizzCon 2014 is here! Jocelyn, Dills, Garrett, and far too many insanely awesome TAC fans descended upon the Anaheim Convention Center this past weekend for two full days of more epic Blizzard goodness than one could possibly consume. The crew recorded this week's episode in front of a live audience in the Anaheim Hilton. Goblins vs Gnomes, Hearthstone's first expansion, released NEXT MONTH! The TAC crew discuss their thoughts on the new cards they were able to play with at BlizzCon, the set overall, and take questions from the audience. Thank you everyone who came up and said hi to us this weekend. The meetup turnout was so beyond what we expected. We enjoyed taking every picture and shaking all the hands. Thank you all for making this BlizzCon completely unforgettable for us. You can support The Angry Chicken by going to http://ww.patreon.com/tac. Follow us on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv and subscribe to the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/starcastshow. You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com.

Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/theangrychicken/~5/Ba95XOc9f2Y/tac-episode_53.mp3