Episode 168 – Rushed

Coming to you, from Louisville, KY!  It's the ValentineCast with your Rushed couple, J and Renee Valentine.
Intro Music – Who Loves Me by Pretty Lights – http://www.prettylightsmusic.com/#/home
Today is October 6, 2014 and this is Episode 168!
Weekend Wrap-up
  • Nikki and Clark
  • Cooing
  • Renee Back To Work
  • Olive Garden with the Family
Tech (Gadgets, Computers, etc.)
  • iPhone 6
Media (Movies, Games, Books, Television Shows, Music)
  • Movies By Chance:
  • Movie for Next Week:
  • An Idiot Abroad – Second Season
  • Tudors – Last Season
  • Castle
  • Warhammer
  • Getting Back to Cooking
  • Try This: Alaskan Nuggets
Odds and Ends (Bumper provided by Johnny Feisty)
  • Birthdays
    • Courtney Grano (9/29)
    • Sam (9/30)
    • Vlad Neko (10/3)
    • Mark Hansen Scott (10/4)
    • O (10/4)
    • My Mom! (10/4)
    • Teresa Ozoa (10/4)
    • Christina Harris (10/5)
    • Louis Starr (10/5)
    • Rigar Morty (Tuesday)
    • Clinton Lowery (Wednesday)
    • Tia (Thursday)
    • Dad (Thursday)
    • Alludra (Thursday)
  • Congrats to Reggie and Dana
Contact Information
You can reach us by email at thevalentinecast@gmail.com. You can also see our blog at valentinecast.com.  The podcast Twitter feed is ValentineCast. The facebook page is facebook.com/Valentinecast You can also call us at (415) 758-2278 Video can be seen at http://youtube.com/ValentineCast  J's Twitter feed is theCaoboi and Renee's twitter feed is theIceflow.
Outro Music:  Pretty Lights – If I Gave You My Love from the Pretty Lights Music

Episode: http://atvalentine.podbean.com/mf/web/zgq5pb/Episode168.mp3|titles=ValentineCast