Comics Coast To Coast #219 – The Peter Donahue Interview

Peter Donahue joins Brian Dunaway, Joel Duggan and Matthew Ducharme to talk about his comic Rudek and the Bear, Zuzel and the Fox and all the things!

About the Comic:
Rudek and the Bear is a webcomic featuring anthropomorphic animals. It chronicles the shenanigans surrounding a company of soldiers in the Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza–the Border Protection Corps of the Second Polish Republic–in the year 1929.
What is Żużel and the Fox ?
Żużel and the Fox is a graphic novel I've been working on since 2011. I wanted to tell a good World War II story that hadn't been told before. And because I believe in the emotional effectiveness of anthropomorphism, I wanted to tell this story through talking animals.
About Artist:
I started drawing the webcomic a year and a half ago. I wanted to refine my art and writing skills as I develop my first graphic novel,Żużel and the Fox. My style draws inspiration from illustrators like Norman Rockwell, animators like Milt Kahl, and comic creators like Juanjo Guarnido and Shane-Michael Vidaurri.
