Patrick Beja and Nicole Spagnuolo fill in for Tom and talk Yelp laws and disappearing Facebook posts.
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Show Notes
The Next Web reports that Facebook has begun testing a new feature for its iPhone app that allows users to set an expiration date on posts, anywhere from one hour to seven days. Facebook told The Next Web that this is a pilot program, and that expired posts could take 90 days to delete from Facebook’s servers. The Verge chimes in with what seems to be the most pressing question: What kind of information would you want to share with EVERYONE YOU KNOW, but only for one hour?
ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley reports that two German sites have posted 20 screenshots of what looks to be a leaked build of Windows Threshold. The pictures show off a new ‘mini’ Start Menu, and the ability to run Metro-Style/Modern apps in windows on the Desktop. ComputerWorld says the pix reveal an operating system that “could go a long way towards making desktop users happy with Windows again.”
The Next Web reports that Blackberry announced that is buying Movirtu (Mow-veer-too), a UK startup that allows multiple phone numbers to be active on a single device. Movirtu's Virtual SIM platform allows separate billing for voice, data and messaging on each number, allowing employees to switch between business and personal profiles without carrying multiple devices or SIM cards, and allowing for separate charges to be billed to the company and the employee. Said all employees everywhere…thanks ALOT, Movirtu.
Engadget reports LG has announced that its first two curved 4k OLED televisions will go on sale in the United States very soon. The 65-inch version will ship in October, with a retail price of $10,000 dollars. The 77-inch model will arrive in November at “select retailers” and cost $25,000 dollars. And while you’re catching your breath, LG announced that there’s a 105-inch Ultra HD TV coming in November for the low low price of $100,000 dollars. If you’re willing to sacrifice a few inches, there’s a 98-inch version for $40,000.
Recode reports that Apple has not yet set a release date for the new iPhone 6 in China, the world’s biggest smartphone market. When the iPhone 5s and 5c were released, China was a part of the first wave of countries that received the phone. Chinese media speculated that Apple had not yet received routine certification from Chinese regulators. Said Apple? "China is a key market for us and we will get there as soon as possible."
The Next Web reports that the state of California has passed a law preventing businesses in the state from penalizing customers who write bad reviews about their properties. The law bans businesses from enforcing non-disparagement clauses in their customer contracts. California businesses could face fines up to $10,000 for violating the new law. We’ll talk more about this in our discussion section.
And this one goes out to all you Australian music fans out there. TorrentFreak reports on new research from Spotify that says music piracy via BitTorrents has decreased in that country by twenty percent since Spotify launched there in 2012. The drop was mostly driven by casual file-sharers; Spotify says the number of hard-core pirates remains stable.
Wondering whether yesterday’s Internet Slow Down Day had any effect? PC World reports that there were 286,000 calls made to US Congressional offices and the White House yesterday, and the US FCC registered more than 111,000 new comments regarding its proposed guidelines. Activist group Fight of the Future says that number might be even higher — claiming it received more than five hundred thousand FCC comments via its site. The numerical discrepancy may be due to the FCC’s overworked servers. And The Verge reports that comments on the US FCC’s proposed net neutrality rules have now surpassed comments on the infamous Janet Jackson ‘nip slip’ during 2004’s Superbowl Halftime Show. Good job internet!
News From You:
FranzGames submitted a report from Circa that a coalition of tech companies including Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Tumblr, and Yahoo sent a letter to the US Congress on September 9th, asking lawmakers to pass the Email Privacy Act. The Act would update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 to require federal law enforcement agencies to get a a warrant if they want to read an email or force a service to disclose a user’s location. The process to update the bill has been delayed by lawmakers’ attempts to add other provisions to the legislation.
ccastro425 submitted this gigaom report that Google will extend its “Try Before You Buy” refund window from 15 minutes to two hours. So if you think you can read the Merck Veterinary Manual in two hours, you’ve just saved yourself $49 dollars and 95 cents! Think you can memorize the 5 Minute Sports Medicine App in 2 hours? Boom. You just saved 99 bucks.
MacBytes passes along a Verge Report that NASA will begin shooting laser pulses at earth from the International Space Station. Before you head to the bunker, it turns out the laser pulses are an attempt to determine the amount of carbon being stored by earth’s forests. Project GEDI, which stands for Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation, would send out up to 16 billion laser pulses a year to make a 3-D map of the forests. The laser light show is expected to launch to the ISS in 2018.
Plug of the day: It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for a great column by Molly Wood on This week Molly writes about The Apple Watch, and how Apple has passed the burden of discovering the killer app for the watch to developers. And that, says Molly, is a good thing. Check it out!
Pick of the day: Asana project management platform via Elliott Kieff
Hello Jennie, and amazing guest hosts: is a project management online platform meant for companies to work through projects, collaborate, and organize. The creators of Asana are Dustin Moskovitz(Co founder of Facebook) and Justin Rosenstein. Now I do not use this for work but rather all the projects I have being a home owner and car enthusiast . When doing a full restoration on my Datsun I can keep track of progress, ordering of parts, and completed tasks. The best part about Asana is its free. Just login and start a project. Love the shows.
Your DTNS and Cordkillers Boss, Elliott
Tomorrow’s co-host: It’s hak5 takeover day! Shannon Morse and Darren Kitchen take over DTNS, and Len Peralta will be here to illustrate the headlines.