#485 Healthcare on Facebook Login, Jabra Sport+ Bluetooth Headphones, Overcast, Todd Whitehead

#485 Healthcare on Facebook Login, Jabra Sport+ Bluetooth Headphones, Overcast, Todd Whitehead

I was on the Pocket Show this week, enhancements to the layout of the Live show at podfeet.com/live. I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - donate at alsa.org. Would you trust your healthcare login to Facebook? followmyhealth.com thinks you will. Steve and I search for Bluetooth headphones for exercise and choosy the Jabra Sport+ Wireless Headphones over the much more highly reviewed Jaybird Blubuds X Sport. Terry Austin, aka @ielectrons tells us why he thinks we should check out the new podcasting app Overcast .from Marco Arment. Michael Price in our Google Plus community posted a tutorial (using Clarify 2) showing how to get OSX to let you use an external DVD drive - check it out at grumpydocs.clarify-it.com/d/fyga7n. This week we're joined by Todd Whitehead of Alpha Geek Radio, over at alphageekradio.com. I asked him to come on the show to talk about the past, present and future of how we consume audio and video content on the Internet.

3Episode: http://www.podfeet.com/blog/2014/08/485-healthcare-on-facebook-login-jabra-sport-bluetooth-headphones-overcast-todd-whitehead/

4Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2014_08_24.mp3