NP – Ep 2 – Screen Time

Big thanks to Eric Van Skyhawk for joining us on this episode of Nerd Parents! We discuss capturing our kids every moment with technology, in app purchases and screen time.

The Internet is Fun
Post-It Notes that a stay at home Dad leaves to his wife about parenting
Apple is refunding over $35 million in app purchases. Parents breath a sigh of relief because they don’t have find a use for all the Smurfberries their kids bought on their account.
Interview with 12 year old self

Family Game Night!
Recommendation from Eric: Stack the Countries & States

Solicited Advice
Book referenced in the show is called ScreenTime
Link to The Atlantic article called The Touch-Screen Generation
Thanks to Adam & Noelle W. for their emails!

Have a question you want answered in Solicited Advice or a kids band you’d like to hear on the show? Head over to our contact form and write to us! You can also follow us on Twitter @NerdParents.
You can also find Eric, Nicole, Cleeo & Sam on Twitter too!
Also if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe in iTunes!

Disclosure: Some links go to Amazon and purchasing through the link supports the show! Thank you
