Star Trek Equinox: The Night of Time (TV Movie – and pilot)
Fifteen years after the destruction of the U.S.S. Equinox, Captain Rudy Ransom makes his break for freedom!
NC politician writes resignation letter in Klingon
The official William Shatner watch:
Egard. Dusted with asteroid dust. Engraved signature, Retail value: $1199.
revamped TMP
Ten Forward:
Doctor Who fans know what it was like for Star Trek around 1990.
Star Trek in pop culture:
A Bit of Fry & Laurie. S3, E3. 1992 (British sketch comedy written by and starring Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie between 1989 and 1995.) In this clip they're discussing a translocation pod – handheld transporter (worn like a watch).
Episode Insight: “Equinox Pt. 1″ from Voyager Season 5
Character insight – Abramsverse Spock
Subspace communications
Ken P.