New additions to the 24/7 programming

Listeners, rejoice! Four new excellent shows will now be airing on the 24/7 stream between live shows. Please tune in and check out:

The Wood Talk Show: For the woodworking Geek, Wood Talk is a radio-style show for the modern woodworker. Join hosts Marc Spagnuolo, Matt Vanderlist, and Shannon Rogers for a light-hearted look at the latest news and techniques from the world of woodworking.

Ladies of Leet: Hosted by three hardcore lady gamers, with a perspective fresh enough to keep you coming back, week after week! Join Nicole, Kim, and Stephanie as they cover video games the only way a true Lady of Leet can!

StarCast: A weekly podcast hosted by Garrett (@GarrettArt) and Kyle (@KyleFergusson) centered around a casual-friendly community that has been running since the SC2 Beta.

The Angry Chicken Show: A podcast that cracks 40 packs, throws down a 1/1 chicken w/ a +5 Enrage, all the while keeping you up to date on everything going on in the world of Hearthstone .  Each week the latest news, strategies, crazy game stories and your emails are covered. Garrett Weinzierl (StarCast), William "Dills" Gregory (The Instance), and Jocelyn Moffett (The Gamers' Inn) together host The Angry Chicken