2013 Planned Event Coverage

Events we plan to cover in 2013:

Phoenix Comicon

Phoenix Comicon is the signature pop culture experience of the southwest. Phoenix Comicon takes place Memorial Day Weekend at the Phoenix Convention Center and Hyatt Regency. We present the chance for fans like yourself to meet with your favorite creators, actors, authors and get their autograph (and have your photo taken with them!). 

We bring out the top comic book writers and artists in the industry, feature many genres from pop culture (anime, authors, horror, and steampunk) and present a full weekend of events and activities for you and your family.


Nerdtacular started in 2007 in Salt Lake City, Utah as a way to celebrate the local Extralife / Frogpants Studios community, renting out a movie theater and watching a nerdy blockbuster together. It has become a full on mini convention for hundreds of attendees!

While Nerdtacular has grown more and more each year, and nearly just as many people come from outside of Utah that come from wihtin, the core purpose remains the same: Good fun with good friends. Now it’s a full blown mini-con, and you are all invited!


For decades, geeks were ostracized, picked on, laughed at and punished by the sun’s harmful UV rays. But there is only so long that a people can be kept down before they rise up against their oppressors; and, indeed, the dawn of the 21st century has seen the ascendancy of geeks and geek culture.

We now celebrate that rise to power–and let’s face it, nerds pretty much run everything now–with w00tstock, a special event for geeks of every stripe. Television host/special-effects artist Adam Savage (“MythBusters”), actor/author/blogger Wil Wheaton (“Star Trek: The Next Generation”, “Stand By Me”) and music-comedy duo Paul and Storm (The Internet, Da Vinci’s Notebook) present a high-energy night of music acts, readings, comedy, demonstrations, short films, special guests, and other clever widgets born from and dedicated to the enthusiasms, obsessions, trials and joys of geek pride.

This is the dawning of the Age of Geekdom–and its voices will ring true at w00tstock.


Originally started in 1993, it was a meant to be a party for members of "Platinum Net", a Fido protocol based hacking network out of Canada. DEF CON is a unique experience for each con-goer. If you google around you'll find dozens of write-ups that will give you an idea of what people have experienced at DEF CON. Trust write-ups more than media articles about the con. Some people play capture the flag 24x7, while many people never touch a computer at DEF CON. Some people see every speech they can, while others miss all speeches. Other activities include contests, movie marathons, scavenger hunts, sleep deprivation, lock picking, warez trading, drunken parties, spot the fed contest, the official music events. Because DEF CON is what the attendees make of it, there are more events than even we are aware of. Half the fun is learning what happened at DEF CON after the fact!

PAX Prime

In 2004, the folks at Penny Arcade decided they wanted a show exclusively for gaming. Sure, comics, anime, and other nerd hobbies were cool, and those activities all had their own shows… so what about games? From that idea spawned a small 4,500 person event in Bellevue, Washington, focused on the culture and community that is gaming.

Since then, the show hasn’t looked back. Doubling in size each year until venue capacities were reached, in 2010 the show expanded into Boston for PAX East, drawing tens of thousands of attendees in the inaugural year. The shows in Seattle and Boston represent the two largest gaming events in North America!